As a 508c1A faith-based organization, Heart of Humanity Church exists to provide a safe place for community members to learn, live and love!
We host educational events on sustainable land practices, relational wellbeing, and spiritual communion — creating harmony within ourselves, our communities, and the earth for a brighter future.
Our Mission and Vision
Join Our Community Today

Holistic Community Services
Supporting well-being through education, stewardship, and relational awareness for a harmonious future.

Wellness Education Programs
Empowering individuals with knowledge for holistic living and sustainable practices.
Sustainable Stewardship Initiatives
Promoting responsible use of land and water resources for future generations.
Relational Awareness Workshops
Cultivating connections and emotional well-being within our community through guided workshops.
Get in Touch with Us
Reach out for support and guidance on holistic living initiatives and how to support our mission.